Fall 2020 – Fridays, 10:00am-11:30am
August 21
Rafael Garduno-Rivera, Universidad Panamericana, México: Effect of Tariff Liberalization on Mexico’s Income Distribution in the presence of Migration
Euijune Kim, Professor, Seoul National University: TBD
September 18
Luis Carazza, Professor at UFRPE, Brazil: Uber and Traffic Fatalities: Evidence from Brazilian cities
Willian Adamczyk, PhD Student at PUCRS, Brazil: Inequality of Opportunity in Brazil: recent trends and some pitfalls
September 25
Rosa Duarte, Professor at UNIZAR, Spain: Household consumption patterns and income inequality in EU countries: Scenario analysis for a fair transition towards low-carbon economies
Simone Maria Grabner, PhD candidate at GSSI, Italy: Interregional Input-Output Linkages and Relatedness as Drivers of Regional Diversification: Evidence from U.S. Counties
October 2
Tatiane Almeida de Menezes, Professor at UFPE, PIMES, Brazil: Assessing the impact of social distancing on covid-19 cases and deaths in Brazil: an instrumented difference-in-differences approach
Paulo Uranga, PhD Student at PUCRS, Brazil: Spatial Inequality in Accessibility to ICU Beds in Brazilian Municipalities
October 9
Sofía Jiménez, Professor at UNIZAR, Spain: Challenging climate change: economic effects of regions interaction from an “atmosfear” perspective
Natália Branco Stein, PhD Student at PUCRS, Brazil: The valuation of creativity and the index of Brazilian creative cities: what is their relationship with economic development?
October 16
Ting Zhang, Professor at U. Baltimore: The Role of Work from Home for Small Businesses in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Michael Delgado, Professor at Purdue University: Peer effects in Fertility and Son Preference of China
October 23
Dusan Paredes, Professor at UCN, Chile: Subnational crowding out and mining localities: Does the level of local provision of public goods matter?
Riccardo Crescenzi, Professor at LSE, United Kingdom: The Impact of Chinese FDI in Africa: Evidence From Ethiopia
October 30
Carlos Azzoni, Professor at USP, Brazil: Job-change-wage-premium, and urban size
Lucia Bolea, PhD Student at UNIZAR: The regional character of global value chains: an analysis for the European Union
November 06
Alicia Chávez, PhD Student at UCN, Chile: Public spending and economies of scale in partial fiscal decentralized governments: The case of Chile
Andre Chagas, Professor at USP, Brazil: Neighborhood Effects in Disaggregated Consumption: Evidence from Brazil
November 13
Laura Desiree Vernier Fujita, Professor at PUCRS, Brazil: Spatial distribution and dissemination of education in Brazilian municipalities
Andrés Rodriguez-Pose, Professor at UFJF, Brazil: Golfing with Trump. Social capital, decline, inequality, and the rise of populism in the US
November 25
Stefan Borsky, Professor (Assistant) of Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Graz (KFU Graz): The role of global supply chains in the transmission of weather induced production shocks
Alessandra Faggian, Professor at GSSI, Italy: Artificial Intelligence and the geography of eco-innovation
November 27
Raphael Fernandes, MSc Student at USP, Brazil: Government spending multiplier and regional economic growth: a general equilibrium analysis
Xiaoli Shi, Associate Professor; Jimei University, China: Industrial transfer and its impact on regional innovation: the case of China
December 04
Landon Marston, Assistant Professor at Kansas State University: Reducing water scarcity by improving water productivity
Sandy Dallerba, Professor, UIUC: Identifying the atmospheric and economic key drivers of global air pollution change: a combined SDA approach
December 11
Aline Souza Magalhães, Professor at UFMG, Brazil: Regional impacts of climate change on family farming and large-scale agricultural productivity in Brazil
Bart Los, Professor, University of Groningen: UK Regions in Global Value Chains
Summer 2020 – Fridays, 10:00am-11:30am
June 12
Lina Maddah, PhD Student, Department of Economics. Universitat Rovira i Virgili: Cultural and Creative Industries as Drivers of Employment Growth at Local Level in Cataloni
Claudia Montania, REGIOlab – Regional Economics Laboratory of the University of Oviedo : Extending SSA to IRRIO linkages: The MDIOSS model, theory and application
Christa Court, Food and Resource Economics Department, University of Florida : Accounting for global value chains: COVID-19, international trade, and global inequality
June 19
Dongwoo Kang, Research Professor, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea: Impact of introducing one-stop employment service centres on local employment in South Korea.
Bruce Newbold, Professor of Geography, McMaster University: Migration or Commute? Short-Term Relocation Versus Long Term Migration
June 26
Olivier Parent, Professor of Economics, University of Cincinnati: Beyond homophilic dyadic interactions: the impact network formation on individual outcomes
Mikaela Backman, Associate Professor, Jönköping International Business School: Ageing and entrepreneurship
July 3
Haifeng Qian, Associate Professor, Urban & Regional Planning, The University of Iowa: Entrepreneurship and Income Inequality in US Cities
Laura Calvi, PhD Student, Federal University of Parana – Brazil: TBD
July 10
Ivan Flores, MSc Student, University of Illinois: Machine Learning Accuracy for Predicting Deforestation Patterns
Roberto Patuelli, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Bologna, Italy: TBD
July 17
Patricio Aroca, CEPR, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez Chile; Jaewon Lim, University of Nevada Las Vegas; Jaime Bonet, Banco de la Republica, Colombia: COVID19 Panel Discussion: Perspectives and challenges for Regional Economics
July 24
Augusto Alvim, Professor of Economics, PUCRS – Brazil: Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the Impacts on Brazilian Meat and Dairy Sectors
Noe Nava, PhD Student, University of Illinois: Building resilience against weather shocks: Should we go local?
July 31
William Ridley, Assistant professor, University of Illinois : The Impact of Climate Change on the International Trade and Production of Crops
Tauã Vital, PhD student UFJF / Visiting scholar REAL: Racial bias in homicides due to resistance in police interventions in São Paulo
August 7
Rocio Valdebenito, PhD Student, University of Illinois: High school graduates and education migration decisions: How far are Chilean students willing to go?
Federico Ceballos, PhD Student, University of Illinois: Spatial spillovers from conflict resolution processes: the case of Colombia’s peace agreement
Brian Kim, Professor, Seoul National University : High Speed Rail System as a Sustainable Transportation Mode? – Energy Consumption, Carbon Emission and Ecological Effect Assessment of HSRS in Korea
August 14
Alberto Franco Solis, Assistant Professor at the University of Extremadura, Spain: Dynamics of Deforestation Worldwide: A Structural Decomposition Analysis of Agricultural Land Footprint in South America
Bartek Rokiki, Professor, University of Warsaw: TBD
Spring 2020 – Fridays, 3:30pm-4:30pm 51 Mumford Hall
March 13th
Yi Huang, UIUC
April 3rd
Jhorland Ayala García, Ph. D. Student, UIUC
Rocio Valdebenito, Ph. D. Student, UIUC
April 10th
Ivan Flores, Ph. D. Student, UIUC
Xianning Wang, Assistant Professor, Chongqing Normal University
April 17th
Beatriz Pereira de Almeida, Ph. D. Student, School of Economics, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil
Pietro Andre Telatin, Ph. D. Student, State University of Maringá, Brazil
April 24th
Xiaoyu Cui, Ph. D. Student, Renmin University of China
Xiuli Liu, Professor, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
May 1st
Meng’er Tu, Ph. D. Student, School of Economics, Shanghai University, China: The role of dependency in knowledge production: Based on Chinese AI patenting activity
Federico Ceballos, Ph. D. Student, UIUC: Crop Shifting Dynamics in Colombia’s Coffee Region: Can Discrete-Continuous Choice Models be Improved with Machine Learning?
May 22th
Xiaoyu Cui, Ph. D. Student, Renmin University of China