2008 Seminars

September 8thFuel demand in Brazil in a dynamic panel data approach.PDFGervasio F. Santos
September 15thSimulating and Evaluating the impacts of the implementation of building energy efficiency standards on Chinesse economic system and environment.PDFXiuli Liu
September 22thImpact of settlement pattern on Rural Economy in Bangladesh – A Spatial Econometric Approach.PDFA. K. M.Riaz Uddin
September 29thHierarchical Three-level Regional Structure and Agglomeration Economies.PDFDaisuke Nakamura
October 6thAn Analysis of Three-Level Regional Spatial Structure model: Urban, Suburb and Rural.PDFNorihiko Yamano
October 13thWhat’s going on with soybean farmers? A closer look at the US regional soybean statistics.PDFCristina Miller
October 20thCan people vote with their feet? Revealing pubic good preferences at a sub-city level.PDFKatherine Nesse
October 26thRegional (Disequilibrium) Adjustment Models: Applications, Issues, and Opportunities.PDFJae Hong Kim
November 3rdThe Geographic Distribution of Indonesia’s East Java Manufacturing Industries.PDFAndi Irawan
November 10thAudit Committee Formation vs Fiscal Council: Analysis of Brazilian Companies at US Financial Market After the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.PDFFernanda Furuta
November 17thThe Effect of Trade on Regional Distribution in Mexico.PDFRafael Garduño
December 1stSmall Open Economy Models For Brazil: Tax System.PDFFabiano Maia Pereira
December 8thEstimation of Monetary Policy Rule in Korea.PDFTae-Jeong Kim