In Memoriam

Becky Zerlentes Weiler (1970-2005)

Becky Zerlentes Weiler died unexpectedly in Colorado on Sunday April 3, 2005. Becky obtained her Ph.D. at Illinois, developing a model to integrate economic and ecological interactions in Mexican maquilladora border communities. During her time in REAL, she brought a sense of fun, enthusiasm and an infectious sense of humor; she took her work seriously but never herself. She was open, caring and a true exemplar of the human spirit. Our thoughts go out to her husband, Stephan Weiler, and to her family. Stephan and Becky met at the Regional Science Association International meetings in Washington, DC almost a decade ago; theirs was a marriage brought together by science but sustained by a mutual love that was as warm as it was endearing. We will miss her.


Michael Sonis (1936-2016)

Thank you, Michael, for your contributions to science (especially input-output analyses), for your care and devotion in the nurturing of many, many young scholars who graced the space of the Regional Economics Applications Laboratory and thank you to Alla and your family for allowing us to share so much of Michael’s time.  The love and affection is greater than you know.  Michael, you were a REAL mensch, Requiescat in pace.


Raymonf J. G. M. Florax (1956-2017)

Dr. Raymond J. G. M. Florax, 60, of Lafayette, passed away on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 at Franciscan St. Elizabeth Health – East. He was a Professor of Agricultural Economics at Purdue University. Dr. Florax had a long and distinguished career in regional science and his research was of paramount importance to push the boundaries in the fields of spatial data analysis, spatial econometrics, spatial and environmental modelling, and meta-analysis. He was also a hugely respected member of our community.