Fall 2019 – Fridays, 3:50pm-4:50pm 51 Mumford Hall
September 6th
Welcome and Introduction
Jaewon Lim, U. Nevada at Las Vegas: Director of the Western Regional Science Association
September 13th
Yi Huang, Ph. D. Student, Department of Economics, UIUC: Unexpected Natural Disaster, Liquefaction Hazard Classification and House Prices: Evidence from Christchurch, New Zealand.
September 20th
Sandy Dall’erba, Professor, UIUC: The U.S. Interstate Trade Will Overcome the Negative Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Profit
William Ridley, Assistant Professor, UIUC: International Joint Ventures and Internal vs. External Technology Transfer: Evidence from China
October 11th
Gabriel Lyrio de Oliveira, Ph.D. Student, University of São Paulo: Long-term effects of Conditional Cash Transfers on Children: The Brazilian Case
Jhorland Ayala Garcia, Ph.D. Student, UIUC: The natural resource curse: evidence from the Colombian municipalities
October 25th
Francisco Germano Carvallo, Ph.D. Student, Federal University of Ceará (CAEN/UFC): Public sector overall efficiency: an application in the Ceará State- Brasil
Federico Ceballos Sierra, Ph.D. Student, UIUC: Peace night lights, or the effect of the Colombia-FARC conflict resolution process on rural activity
November 1st
Ace Dept. talk by Faye Duchin, IO expert
Augusto Mussi Alvim, Professor, PPGE Escola de Negócios: Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the Possible Impacts on Brazilian Agribusiness
Ran Xu, Ph.D. Student, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS: The input-output model distinguishing the source of foreign-invested enterprises and processing trade
Beatriz de Almeida, Ph.D. Student, Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF): The determinants of Absorptive Capacity through patents citation data
November 8th
Alexandre Porsse, Prof., Dept. of Economics, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil: Testing for Convergence Clubs in Agricultural Land Prices: evidences based on geographically weighted regressions for Parana, Brazil.
Nora Schindler, Ph.D. candidate of economics at University of Economics and Business (WU), Vienna: Income Inequality, Market Size and Firm Conduct: Product Differentiation in the Restaurant Market
Orsa Kekezi, Ph.D. Student, Jönköping International Business School: Returns to Regional Mobility after Job Loss: The importance of job match
November 11th
Carlos Roberto Azzoni, Professor, Departament of Economics, FEA/USP
November 22nd
Laura Calvi, PhD candidate, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil: The larger the city, the higher the wages? The effects of agglomeration economies on wage gaps in southern Brazil
Bingbing Zhang, Assistant Professor, University of Finance and Economics, China: The Virtual Water Flow in China and Its Driving Forces
December 6th
ACE Ddept. Talk by Nelson Villoria, International trade and climate change expert
Spring 2019 – Fridays, 3:00pm-4:00pm 51 Mumford Hall
February 1st
*Exceptionally at 323 Mumford Hall
Welcome and Introductions
February 8th
Jhorland Ayala Garcia (PhD Student – ACE): External shocks on revenue and expenditure efficiency: evidence from Colombian municipalities
Germano Carvalho (PhD Student – Federal University of Ceará, Brazil): Allocative and Welfare Effects from Tax Policies in the State of Ceará – Brazil
February 15th
Ramon Goulart Cunha (PhD Student – Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil): Insertion and competitiveness of Brazilian exports in Latin American markets
Felipe Andres Morales Apablaza (MS Student – Universidad Adolfo Ibanez, Chile): Measuring the cost of Congestion within and between cities: The case of Chile
February 22nd
March 1st
Juan Salamanca (Assistant Professor – School of Art + Design): Recent Tools for the Visualization of Large Flow Data
Meng’er Tu (PhD Student – Shanghai University, China): Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Chinese AI Innovation Network
Yilan Xu (Assistant Professor – ACE): Do Earthquakes Shake Mortgage Lenders’ Risk Perceptions?
March 8th
Sergio Contreras (PhD Student – DURP): One size does not fit at all: evaluating the relationship between microenterprise measurement and policy evaluation
Yi Huang (PhD Student – ECON): House price decomposition: Does terrain slope matter?
March 22nd
NO SEMINAR – Spring Break Week
March 29th
Tom Johnson (Professor Emeritus – University of Missouri): Comprehensive Wealth, Well-being and Sustainability
April 5th
Xiang Gao (PhD Student – Chinese Academy of Sciences, China): When One Cannot Bypass the Byproducts: Packaging Waste Due to International Trade
April 19th
Lucia Bolea (PhD Student – University of Zaragoza, Spain): Global determinants of carbon dioxide emissions: are all countries equal?
Federico Ceballos Sierra (PhD Student – ACE): The effect of climate variability on Colombian coffee yields
April 26th
Joao Gabriel Pio (PhD Student – Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil): Does the Demographic Structure Affect Pollutant Emissions?
Evidence from Different Groups of Countries
Zhan Gao (Associate Professor – Henan University of Engineering, China): Research on the Growth of Urban Economy Based on Total Factor Productivity: Evidence from Chinese Urban Data
May 3rd
Rafael Campos (PhD Student – Federal University of Minas Gerais): Environmental quality and the Human Development Index in Minas Gerais (Brazil)
Xiang Gao (PhD Student – Chinese Academy of Sciences, China): Relative Advantage Production Position in Global Value Chain
Claudia Montania (PhD Student – University of Extremadura, Spain): Analyzing the growth of international trade: looking for a more comprehensive shift-share